
Filter Booking works with the same focus on transparency and honesty, and operates as a national and international booking agency for partners worldwide. In addition to advanced structures and strong professionalism, the passion that the agency feels for each artist is the decisive factor for long-term, trusting cooperation. Beyond the domestic market in Germany, Filter Booking oversees all European and UK booking, and thus able to offer complex tours and campaigns as a complete package from one source. Their experience in the international arena enables the agency to offer tailor-made solutions for each act.

Please find all of our booking artists in order from A-Z.

Adam HarpazBooking Alivan Blu
Ash Radford Filter Booking
Bootleg Rascal Filter Booking
Brothers Moving Filter Booking
Chef Special Filter Booking
Current Swell Filter BookingDavid Benjamin Filter Booking
Felipe Baldomir
Foreign Air Filter Booking
Hollie Col Filter Booking
Jack and the Weatherman Filter Booking
Jon and Roy Filter Booking
JPson Filter Booking
Katchafire Filter Booking
Filter Booking Artist Keanan Eksteen
Kim Churchill Filter Booking
Kyle Lionhart
Mat McHugh Filter Booking
Matthew Mole Filter Booking
Native Young Filter Booking
Ocie Elliott Filter Booking
Penny and Sparrow
Reuben Stone
Sean Koch Filter Booking
Son Mieux Filter Booking
Sons of the East Filter Booking
Teenage Dads
The Beautiful Girls Filter Booking
The Dreggs
The Grogans